


The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Career Development ("NIECD") empowers  the students to create a vision of the future through (i) practical coursework, (ii) progressive career development, and (iii) appropriate work opportunities. Students who complete the program will master the Core Life Long Learning Goals (Learning, Thinking, Communication, Technology, and Interpersonal), which are a part of each goal of the program; and, as such, shall be emphasized in every module.

The goals of the program shall assist in guiding students through the career development process and set the stage for lifelong learning. We aim to equip you with employability skills as per industry requirements and also make you aware of the various opportunities both in terms of getting a job as well as setting up your own business. Our mission is to empower you so that you are able to take an informed career decision.

Through a series of practical lesson plans, intensive participatory workshops, an individual will explore career and educational options, and develop a career plan that outlines the educational and occupational preparation required to pursue their career choice. Each module assists an individual in answering a question essential to their career development and lifelong learning process. 

More specifically, NIECD will enable the individual to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Acquire and apply self-knowledge to understand one’s abilities, strengths, interests, skills and talents, as seen by others, to develop personal, learning and career goals.
  • Use career clusters and pathways in order to understand their relationship to educational achievement and life-long learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply self-knowledge for successful career planning and management using career clusters.
  • Understand how academic, technical, cross cluster and employability skills are needed to obtain or create, maintain and advance in one’s career.
  • Demonstrate how the ongoing attainment of knowledge and skills enhance one’s ability to function and transition effectively in a diverse and changing economy.
  • Assess career choices and related pathways to develop an academic and career plan.
  • Acquire skills to secure, maintain and advance in their chosen or related career.
  • Re-evaluate how the ongoing attainment of knowledge and skills enhance one’s ability to function and transition effectively in a diverse and changing economy.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply financial literacy skills to life management


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